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Busted! 5 Major Eating Mistakes
Nutrition experts discuss our bad habits--and offer some easy fixes.

by Holly McCord, RD, with Gloria McVeigh

Ever get the guilty feeling that you're being watched as you toss the double fudge brownie mix into your grocery cart? Well, you are!

We checked with some of the top US nutrition experts, who admitted they secretly spy on the rest of us as we make real-world choices in restaurants and grocery stores. Here are their top five gripes.

1. We can't tell the good fats from the bad ones.
"Most people still don't get that some fats are actually good for you," says Alice Lichtenstein, DSc, an American Heart Association spokesperson. "You want to avoid saturated and trans fats, but you need more monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Good sources are fish, nuts, avocados, and soybean and canola oils."

Smarter: Fit in good fats. "If you keep track of total calories, you don't have to worry about how much fat you eat, just what kind," explains Dr. Lichtenstein. Grandpa Po's Slightly Spicy Nutra Nuts use only canola oil (160 cal, 10 g fat, 1 g sat. fat, 2 g fiber, 60 mg sodium); at healthy food supermarkets.

2. We supersize to save money.
"People think that supersizing a restaurant meal is a money saver, but it's not a health bargain if it has way too many calories," says Karen Weber Cullen, DPH, RD, research nutritionist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

Smarter: Judge with your palm, not your purse. A serving size is about what fits into the palm of your hand (larger for men than women, smaller for children). For most meals, pick one protein, one starch, one veggie, and one fruit based on the serving that will fit into your palm.

3. We think anything liquid has no calories.
"What freaks me out is the amount of sugared soda and juice we drink," says Judith Stern, ScD, RD, professor of nutrition and internal medicine at the University of California, Davis. "I'd like to see all the sugared drinks sent out into space, where they could orbit the Earth forever." Sugared drinks balloon your calorie intake and squeeze out more nutritious foods.

Smarter: Try a cup of tea. Available in myriad varieties, the calorie-free brew promotes heart health, staves off several types of cancer, strengthens bones and teeth, and protects the skin.

4. We don't know how "hungry" really feels.
"If you don't know when you're hungry, you don't know when you're full, so you won't know when to stop eating," says Elisabetta Politi, RD, nutrition manager of the Duke University Diet & Fitness Center in Durham, NC.

Smarter: Tune in with mindful eating. Here's how.
1. Before you eat, relax, and rate your hunger from 1 (hungriest) to 7 (fullest).
2. Eat slowly, pausing often to rate how your hunger changes.
3. When finished, rate yourself one more time. Try to stay between 2 1/2 and 5 1/2: not too ravenous when you start and not completely full when you stop.

5. We have a microwave addiction.
Many women come home from work and pop a frozen entrée into the microwave. "Eating too many heavily processed foods can leave you short on fiber and antioxidants such as vitamin C," explains Jo Ann Hattner, RD, clinical dietitian at Stanford University Medical Center.

Smarter: Complement a frozen entrée with a green salad, a 100 percent whole wheat roll, and fruit for dessert. Stock up on the freshest fruit for maximum flavor.




Avoid heavy breakfasts packed with saturated fat like ham, bacon and eggs; instead, start your day with lighter alternatives like high-fiber, hearty oatmeal and delicious yogurt and granola parfaits.

2. When you crave a snack, instead of eating processed, high-fat snack food like potato chips, reach for nuts. Whether your preference is peanuts, cashews or almonds, nuts are an excellent source of protein. And because nuts are high in fat (the good, monounsaturated kind), eating just a handful will satisfy your hunger. Toss in raisins or dried fruit for the perfect healthy snack.
3. Give your cholesterol a break and try cooking a vegetarian meal once a week. You'll be surprised how much you enjoy a light, meatless meal every so often.
4. Instead of reaching for a candy bar when you crave sweets, always keep fresh fruit around, such as apples, oranges and bananas. The natural sugars and fiber from fruit break down slowly and help to keep blood-sugar levels stable.
5. Keep plenty of leafy greens around and make salads with every dinner. Side salads are an easy way to get in several servings of vegetables each day. Avoid high-fat, high-calorie bottled salad dressings; make your own healthier alternatives with olive oil, vinegar and seasonings.
6. In recent years, countless medical studies have shown that fish is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, especially cold-water varieties such as salmon, combat Alzheimer's disease and are good for your heart. Try cooking fish at least once a week for a high-protein, low-fat meal.
7. Eating healthier doesn't necessarily mean giving up all your favorite foods. Even bad-rep pizza can be healthy. Avoid frozen or takeout pies and make your own. Go lighter on the cheeses and high-fat meats; top with loads of veggies like spinach, olives, and artichokes.
8. Take a walk after dinner instead of plopping down in front of the television. Walking after you eat reduces acid reflux, burns calories and helps you digest. Before you know it, you'll look forward to your evening strolls.
9. One easy way to improve your health on many levels is to cook with garlic more often. Garlic is high in vitamins C and B6, and it contains powerful anti-bacterial and anti-viral agents that help fight colds and flu. Garlic is also believed to protect against cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
10. Keeping your kitchen stocked with fresh produce is a great way to keep you eating healthy. But frozen fruit and vegetables are a convenient and healthy alternative during winter months. Frozen vegetables are steamed before they're packaged, so they don't lose their vitamins like canned vegetables. Frozen fruits are handy for making smoothies or blended drinks-just drop them right in the blender and add some fruit juice.

100 Reasons to lose 100 Pounds
  1. To feel good about ourselves.
  2. To have GREAT sex! :)
  3. So we won't think people are laughing or talking about us.
  4. To buy clothes in a normal store and actually get clothes with some style to them that fit correctly.
  5. To have more energy!
  6. To be able to tie your shoes/paint toenails.
  7. To be able to sit on a floor and get up gracefully.
  8. To wear a bathing suit.
  9. To cross your legs or sit Indian style.
  10. To fit into an airline/theatre/bus/whatever seat without spilling over and without having to see "that look" from the person who has to sit beside you.
  11. So our ankles won't swell.
  12. To fit into a booth at any restaurant.
  13. To not need an extension to a seat belt on an airplane and to have the tray table not balance on our bellies.
  14. To not worry about being decapitated in our cars with our seat belts on if we should be in an accident.
  15. To not turn beet red after moderate exertion.
  16. To be able to pick something up off the floor.
  17. Panty Hose that fit!
  18. To go to an amusement park and ride the rides.
  19. To be able to sit in any chair without worry of breakage.
  20. To not have to apologize when caught in a narrow aisle and have someone need to get by.
  21. To go dancing, sky diving, bungee jumping....
  22. To be able to go horseback riding or ride a bike.
  23. To not worry about rashes and sweating.
  24. To not have to listen to "caring" people ask why you don't diet or worse still... "gee youhave such a pretty face".
  25. To not worry about spilling food, sauces or gravy down the front of your blouse/dress/shirt when eating.
  26. To not have to think up some excuse for not doing something because you know your weight will impede you.
  27. To not have your belly hit the steering wheel and to be able to fit comfortably in the driver's seat.
  28. To have a bra fit comfortably and to be able to buy underwear at Victoria's Secret rather than at "Tubby the Underwear Guy".
  29. To not have to worry about the weight limit of step stools, ladders, motorcycle, exercise equipment, etc.
  30. To not get stuck in a turn style.
  31. To not wake up feeling achy in the back..or to have ache free legs and feet.
  32. So the bathroom scale won't creak and groan when you step on it.
  33. To be able to leave the tablecloth on the table at a restaurant instead of dragging it with you when you get up.
  34. So you won't look the other way when you see yourself in a monitor where they have security cameras.
  35. To never be embarrassed about your size.
  36. To not count tying shoes as daily exercise.
  37. To not have to wait for the handicap stall when there are plenty of other stalls available.
  38. To not be more out of shape than seniors.
  39. To not break toilet seat when leaning to one side.
  40. To be able to put on wedding rings again.
  41. To try to make a double chin and fail!
  42. Buy clothing bargains to fit the next year ... and they do!
  43. Not to have to worry about plastic zippers or having your pants bust open.
  44. Normal waistbands rather than elastic!
  45. To wear knee socks correctly instead of worn like slouches!
  46. To look good in a tee shirt!
  47. To try on slacks or jeans and have the pant leg actually fit over leg!
  48. To be able to get close to sink and not come away with a wet belly!
  49. To get out of a stuffed chair GRACEFULLY and not look down to see if the chair has come up with you!
  50. To not worry if the hairdresser's smock will fit!
  51. To not be self-conscious about eating in front of others!
  52. To not be afraid to ask which hairstyle suits your face.
  53. To not have people checking you out after looking in your grocery cart.
  54. To not feel (and look) like a sausage in stirrup pants.
  55. To have your friends NOT be embarrassed to be seen with you.
  56. To get promotions/hired or close that sale.
  57. Pants that stay up because your waist is smaller than your butt!
  58. No more boobs! (this is for the guys!)
  59. Wearing shorts or tank tops without fear of arrest or grossing out others!
  60. To not have the fear of being rejected.
  61. To successfully flirt!
  62. To not worry about how to get in and out of the back seat in a two door car!
  63. One size fits all and it fits you!
  64. To have a lap.
  65. To not have the car you are ride in slant in your direction.
  66. To be able to use toilet paper as it was meant to be used and not to have to invent ways to "get the job done".
  67. To not have to watch TV news reports on fat people in hopes that you haven't been caught on camera!
  68. To be able to get between cars in a parking lot without wiping the dust off with your belly and your butt.
  69. No more heat rashes and chafing in the upper thighs.
  70. So that the cloth in the thigh area doesn't wear away long before the rest of the slacks do!
  71. To meet a friend online and not be horrified to have to send a picture of yourself.
  72. To not take fat references and fat jokes personally.
  73. To know you can go anywhere because wherever you sit you CAN be comfortable and look at ease.
  74. To shop at the mall and not have your back ache from lugging your huge butt and stomach around!
  75. To be able to stand still, carrying nothing and still look poised.
  76. To be able to cross your arms across your chest without them resting on your stomach!
  77. To have your feet get smaller.
  78. Using your mouth to taste and chew food rather than as just a route to get the food from your lips to your stomach.
  79. Blood pressure returns to normal.
  80. To avoid other health complications from being overweight.
  81. To be able to borrow a co-worker's jacket for an important meeting.
  82. To meet someone for the first time and their eyes don't pop out of their head with amazement...because they never knew you're fat!
  83. To see your reflection in a mirror or store window without turning away!
  84. To wear a watch with a regular length watch band.
  85. To look in the mirror when getting your hair cut without thinking you have the biggest face in the world.
  86. To not mind getting your picture taken.
  87. To not avoid going to the doctor because you have to get "weighed" in.
  88. To wake up each morning feeling energized and ready to go.
  89. To not even worry about squeezing into small spaces.
  90. To not have to enter an elevator and check the weight limit.
  91. To look in your closet and have problems deciding which stylish outfit to work since you have so many that look good and fit well.
  92. To not have to lie perfectly still in bed at night for fear of breaking the bed!
  93. To buy tie shoes instead of slip ons!
  94. To be able to walk any distance without looking for a bench to sit on.
  95. To look forward to shopping and just trying on clothes!
  96. To be able to drive by any fast food place without salivating!
  97. To be able to shop at the same store for food instead of having to remember where you shopped last night for the junk food so you can avoid that store for a few days!
  98. To not feel lower than low when an innocent child remarks about your size!
  99. To not constantly be thinking of where your next morsel of food is coming from.
  100. And the 100th reason to lose 100 pounds.....


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